Another design critique :)

Can someoen critique my forum design please? Like the good things and the bad things about it. Thanks.

I would except I can’t find it. :sure:

Good - Sorry but I can’t find anything design wise.

Bad- The rest…

Don’t mean to come off harsh but I don’t know what else to say…

it’s crazy how often this happens.

if you provide a link, we’ll give your our feedback.

we should apply the general theory of semiotics in which hyperlinks have an important but by no means essential role. We should not be too harsh on the dragon pimp and his signifiers.

lmao… you guys crack me up.

::waits in line for link::

do you think he is talking about this?

opps, i cant believe i forgot the link, oh well forget it then. I changed the design anyway

hahahaha… that’s too funny

what? there is no forum.
