I have a movie clip placed on my main timeline with the following actions:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
} else {
This movieclip has a Stop function on frame 1.
Frames 2-16 Contains the Rollover animation.
Frame 17 Contains a Stop Function.
Frames 18-33 Contains the Rollout Animation.
And Frame 34 Contains a Stop Function.
The problem is that the HitTest function is not recognizing the Stop function and Frame 17. So On Rollover, the movie clips plays both the Rollover and Rollout animations rather than just the Rollover. Anyone have a solution to allow the movieclip to play the Rollover Animation on mouseover and the Rollout Animation on Mouseout. Thanx in Advance.