Another i need Help "Random Background" Thread by me

I re-done my project completely.

Now its kinda semi-working…when i load the .swf into Dreamweaver i actually see random backgrounds for a while…problem is this, once i put it all online…my background images disappear… everything is arranged in a logical order, with all the .swf’s contained inside same folder and spacers and html outside… Help and tips please?

here is the url:

and my Work files


.fla files (.rar)

Somehow the image0.swf, and the following 1,2,3 etc. wont load.

I included the 2 .fla’s and its corresponding .swf’s if someone could help me get it set up right. Hope someone might give me some input on my project…

Flash is fun to learn… And Kirupa is the place to learn…:smiley: