Hey guys,
I did some Flash work for my company here about a month ago. Some guys from a company upstairs helped us out with some graphics, and now we are returning the favor to them by helping them with their new website. Unfortunately my work didn’t quite get to the level that they are looking for so I was hoping some of you could give me a kick in the right direction. Basically the site has a whole bunch of .swf files. For the main page there is a background with a few buttons at the top and a spinning graphic as the first swf , as well as a movieclip that plays a small video on the page as a second swf and finally some navigation with 4 buttons as a 3rd swf. Also, all the ‘subsites’ are .swfs as well… this is what they are asking…
They want a single preloader for the main page, that is, preload the 3 .swfs i mentionned with a single preloader ‘image’. They then want, once the main page is loaded, for the ‘subsites’ to begin preloading in the background (which I think this: http://proto.layer51.com/d.aspx?f=741 should work fine for).
So if anyone can help me with the first part and maybe tell me “that will or will not work” for the second it would be a great help.
Thanks a ton,