Another stupid question (again..)

I am working in MX with a fla originally created in flash 5. It is a nice menu with button slides. The buttons however, originally were named a movie instead of a button, so now when I try to create an action of get url I get an error… I have tried changing the movie instance to a button instance but I get this in the output.
WARNING: This movie uses features that are not supported in the Flash 5 player
Symbol=Navigator, Layer=Layer 2, Frame=1: Flash MX Button Instance Name

anyone have any suggestions as to how to remedy this? Please help… Thank you…

Hmm…that doesn’t make any sense, flash MX is capable of having movieclips with button actions.

Please can anyone help?

have you tried to publish it in flash player 5? Can it works?

Sorry… I am a newbie… how do I do that?

just go to files>publish setting, under flash tab, choose your publish(flash 4,5, 6 and something like that)to flash player 5.
Just try,ok?

I tried and now this is the message I get in the output
WARNING: This movie uses features that are not supported in the Flash 5 player
Symbol=Navigator, Layer=Layer 2, Frame=1: Flash MX Button Instance Name
Symbol=Button One Slider , Layer=actions, Frame=10: Line 2: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances
on (release) {
any other ideas?

Ok here is the new situation… I got tired of fighting with Flash so I decided to create a new button symbol but just drawing a empty rectangle and calling it a button. It all seemed to work until I actually uploaded to the site to test it. The functionality of the sliding bars and everything worked but it did not recognize the buttons. Can anyone help me out here, please… Thanks…

ok how would I post a large fla. I did zip it first before I tried… I am a dork!!! LOL

note: your error message is talking about the “player” are you sure you have the latest Flash player plugin from You might need to upgrade.

yes, I do… The error message is now gone but the issue now lies that the buttons are not acting like buttons. Make any sense?