Anti virus

hello! ive got a blog. i have recieved a lot of spam in my blog recently. could anyone tell me how to get antispam filter or something else to protect my online journal? spamers send there a lot of links. spamers are bothering me very much! but i should say that once i got a profit from that people. they have sent me some links to anti virus programme. so i decided to visit this site because my PC started to work very slowly. i found there a proposition to download anti virus programme. when i installed it, the programme deleted all spyware from my computer!!! even such progames as Kaspersky and Nod32 couldnt find it!!! i could not even think that there are so many spyware in my computer!!! you could follow by one of this links. searching spyware on your PC is free!!! here are the links. they are all following to the same site. anti spyware [url=]adware spyware remover [url=]spyware [url=]spyware remover [url=]free spyware [url=]spyware anti virus [url=]spyware doctor [url=]adware spyware [url=]free spyware remover [url=]free anti spyware [url=]spyware cleaner [url=]delete spyware [url=]spyvare program [url=]free spyware-remover [url=]computer spyware [url=]spyware killer [url=]detect spyware [url=]spyware nuker [url=]spyware scan [url=]spyware blocker [url=]spyware detector [url=]spyware detection [url=]microsoft anti spyware [url=]anti spyware download [url=]spyware rewiew [url=]spyware scanner [url=]spyware eleminator [url=]spyware removers [url=]stop spyware [url=]anti spyware [url=]spyware remover [url=]spyware anti virus [url=]spyware So that guys are not so bad, i think))) chao