Anybody know some tutorial for this type of game?


very new at this, and i have been looking for simple games (tutorials) but all i seem to find are much more advanced.

I’m looking to create a game similar to this:

but even more simple --> 1) one object appears(rises in the scene from the bottom)
2) you hit it -> simple animation, objhect goes back down
3) object appears again, but somewhere else on the horizontal line
4) after 5 hits, a new scene starts.

i hope somebody can link me to a good tutorial… i’ve been looking, but i’ve been look on the keyword:HITTEST and such, and that results in more advanced games.


It doesn’t actually use a hit test. The way this sort of game works is the same as a shootem-up - the ‘hit’ is done when you press the mouse button (i.e. a mouse even not a hit test) over a staff member movieclip. This tut will get you started:
For the game you link to, they’ve used a mallet instead of a gun sight, etc., but the basic principles are the same :¬)
Shout if you get stuck!