Anybody knows?, Chat Box in flash with PHP


I want to creat a little movie file with a CHAT box an INPUT box and a SEND BUTTON.

I want to send the variables to a PHP file and from this php file I want to display the variables in Flash.

Does anybody knows how to make that?, or where to find this?.

Thanks, :slight_smile:

ja , hier: search!!
moved to server-side…


Try also searching under PHP! They have free ready made Flash/PHP Chat apps and others too! :smiley:

I almost done with this Flash Chat and PHP thanks. Wenn I have it, I will post the code or the File for the Forums. It is simple.


*Originally posted by jarenjel *
**I almost done with this Flash Chat and PHP thanks. Wenn I have it, I will post the code or the File for the Forums. It is simple.

Thanks **

does it manualy refresh and if so how?

It refresh automatically every 3 seconds,if you want I send you the File wenn it´s finished.

I’d like to know how to make it refresh manually. :beam: