Anybody Remember

Okay, I’ve search far and wide for this site I used to be obsessed with. I can’t remember the name. It was a really cool designer’s site (I think it could have possibly turned into a whole design group’s site at one point). Here’s the deal, I remember some stuff on the about me page. He definitely wasn’t from the US. For some reason I want to think Northern European, but don’t quote me on that. He and his brother started programming computers at a very young age. He at one point designed a kiosk for one of his or his brother’s projects. I know he did something with a Lego type generator. It could have been a Lego font thing. I know there was also a thing that he described as being inspired by fever dreams or fever nightmares he had as a child. Everything was super cool and a lot of it was interactive. If anybody can help me find it that would be amazing.

Thank You in Advance!!!