So I’m trying to help a person I work with whose computer’s been having problems. I’ve come across several problems in the past and always been able to fix whatever software/hardware issues I’ve had. So I figured I’d help. Her problem however is something I’ve never seen before, and just recently read about.
First things first, she’s using Windows Vista Premium 64-bit edition.
Her computers problem: After boot menu it goes to a black screen with a blinking white cursor.
She said it was fine one day, not the next. Some business did something or whatever and it stopped working. Whatever the case, it’s not working now.
This problem from what I’ve read is caused by several different things.
1.) Computer not waking from sleep/hibernate mode.
2.) Software issues or faulty hardware
3.) Possibly a issue with the Bios.
The most likely causing the issue seems to me like it would be software. Her Bio’s are fine and I reset them to normal.
Her hard drive is working because it gets to the boot menu at least before failing to enter windows.
So the most likely choice causing this is software. Right? I mean, that’s the only thing I can see causing it. I also tried putting her computer into safe mode… then realized it didn’t even seem to have a safe mode. Does that version of windows support safe mode? No keys said enter safe mode and the typical F8 didn’t work.
She doesn’t have a windows CD because apparently it never came with her computer when she bought it. And she has a lot of files on her computer she needs. So at the least I wanted to get on to save those before even considering a reformat. But I can’t even seem to get to windows, not even system recovery. Both lead to the black screen with a blinking white cursor that does nothing.
Anyway, any information would be helpful.
Also: Site’s so different from what it used to be. It totally just blew my mind! :genius: