Anyone know how to Shape Tween TEXT in AS3? *TRICKY*

Hi all,

For those of you who know how to shape tween TEXT, you can do it by breaking it apart(under the MODIFY tab) in the GUI part of Flash. In AS3 however, you can’t do that.

End Result wish - To simply have the text font increase in size starting from say, font size of 10 to 300 as if it is coming out of the screen. Imagine a dot, and then imagine the dot shape tweening out to become a large dot until it fills up your screen, now imagine your text box being able to do the same thing.

Here is my dilemma:

Assume I have created the following:
var [COLOR=“Lime”]textbox[/COLOR]:TextField = new TextField();
//whatever else I want my new text field to look like//

I have 1,000 different text words that I randomly fill my [COLOR=“lime”]textbox[/COLOR] with. Now, on the GUI side as I said, if I just had some text I want to shape tween, I would select it and break it apart. Here I obviously can’t do that, since it is random text being placed into the [COLOR=“lime”]textbox[/COLOR].

Would anyone know how to Shape Tween this [COLOR=“lime”]textbox[/COLOR]? Maybe somehow break the text apart within AS3? Maybe there is a loophole, attaching it to a MovieClip that is Shape Tweened? I don’t know, those are some ideas. I need a clear head on this one, or several clear heads :D.
