How about a trip down memory lane…
How about a trip down memory lane…
I rememebr almost all of those and I"m 20… ehhehe…
All those things were cool ! :beam:
I saw that when I was 2 or so!!
I can’t believe I remember that!!
the title shot instantly jolted something in my memory, WAY cool!
I know how you feel captain worm - just looking at some of that stuff brought back so many great child hood memories…
The get along gang rocked! I had all the books!
What a name eh… it would never fly today - but 20 years ago…
Yeah really… You guys remember those glow worm thingies?! Those were awesome…
i remember camp candy re-runs and i am 13,m lol and the smurfs and stuff…
I have a 2 yo daughter, and believe it or not, most of these
things are still around! Or at least have made a comeback.
Here’s a few I saw the other day:
Strawberry Shortcake
Care Bears
Cabbage Patch Kids
I guess it’s cuz we’re older and don’t may much attention, but I
don’t think these things really went away.
crazy how time flies…
hahah I’m 25 and I still have some of those stuff stored in the garage some where…ah the memories.
Will you look at that… I was the ultimate Thundercats fan Masters of the Universe was pretty good too. But The Barbapapa family was just the perfect book. Did anyone read that too?
wow. some of that stuff i still have!! candy land was my favorite!=)
good lord… the past returns to haunt me.
I think that I had one of everything on that page, and or had watched each of the shows listed. I’m 32.
ahh… my first gaming system.
Me to david - I loved that thing
I can remember gettting the game Commando for it… what a rush
Does anyone remember ‘Burger Time’ for Atari?
I STILL can’t believe they wouldn’t accept me using my ‘little professer’ as a scientific calculator in grade 11. I mean…he’s not scientific enough for you? (lol)
I guess it’s cause I don’t have any brothers so I missed these toys…but what exactly is the ‘shrinky dinks’ collection??
:love: ~ Seretha
hahah I remember burger time, that game is so addicting. I wish I could play it again.
EG - it’s called a ROM my man, go get an emulator and the rom and off you go!
haha I know what a ROM is, the problem is I don’t even have time to play with my PS2.
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**haha I know what a ROM is, the problem is I don’t even have time to play with my PS2.**
me either!!!:sigh:
wish i did. But i was able to squeeze in a few games of FIFA
tonight. I love that game…
Atari 2600 RULES! My buddy just bought one on ebay, with 35
games, for $32!!! There are just too many great games on that
console to really pick 1.
River Raid, Pitfall 1 & 2, Enduro, and Adventure stick out in my
mind. I’m going over soon to have an Atari-day! 8]
Shrinki dinks are actually still around… just not advertised as much as they were in their hayday.
The substance is a plastic which is soft unprocessed. You cut out the patterns, color them in with special pens, and then place them on a cookie sheet. Using the oven you cook them for some amount of time and they shrink, becoming smaller and hard as… well hard plastic.
Usually they were things like strawberry short cake characters which would end up being small enough to be made into earings or necklaces or whatnot.
our first vid game was pong.
that became boring rather quickly… but there were also puzzle games and stuff like that. I may be mistaken about the system in that picture… that may have been our second home game system. Of course they were all crap once the TRaSh80 came out. Bulky tape drives and monocrome screens, but it still blew away any of those early game systems. “Slag” forever!!!
(slag was a nuclear war game done entirely with text characters. My brothers, father, and I played it endlessly when I was 8 or 9)
no voltron!
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