Well the reason why Im posting this is cus I need u to guide me with a zoom in/out navigation Im trying to build
Take a look to this site:
Im trying to build a navigation just like that…I know is not easy at least for me cus Im a beginer with AS
I got this .FLA
As u can see my .fla works whereever you click on the stage…I just need it to work with the Images…you see what I mean?
This .flas has a mc with these actions:
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (i>0) {
zoom = true;
dir == 1 ? (dir=-1) : (dir=1);
if (dir == 1) {
pt = {x:_root._xmouse, y:_root._ymouse};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!zoom) {
_root._xscale += diri200/20;
_root._yscale += diri200/20;
var pt2 = {x:pt.x, y:pt.y};
_root._x -= (pt2.x-pt.x);
_root._y -= (pt2.y-pt.y);
if (i == 12) {
zoom = false;
i = 0;
var i = 0;
How can I make it zoom in/out only with the Images/buttons ?