
true, true… and Sun Microsystems…



true, true.

And Macromedia…haha.

This is starting to sound like an Academy Awards acceptance speech…


“I’d like to thank all of those people who I can’t think of right now, you know who you are…”

::with tears in eyes, and Oscar in hand, waves at crowd and leaves::



true, true…

And I would like to thank you for making me laugh.

Back on subject…

this isn’t an IE or NS debate thread…

this is a does this situation effect you thread.

You are a no rev, and I am a future no

What about anyone else here?

But you guys… didn’t Gore create the internet? He said so himself! :stuck_out_tongue:


LMAO… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d forgotten he invented the web… :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks for setting that right…


Nope, it was Tim Berners-Lee. The first beta form of the web was called Enquire; it was named after an old Victorian book called “Enquire Within upon Everything”, which contained advice ranging from how to remove stains to tips on investing money.

I did my multidisciplinary project on it for my senior year :stuck_out_tongue:

but Al Gore said he did…



Well hes a liar :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe I am dumb or gullable or something… but did he really say that? And if so… when?

yes he did… during his last campaign…

:stuck_out_tongue: what a loser… :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow… that is sad… such a shame really… I wonder if he really thought people would believe him?

the sad part is…

I think <u>he</u> believes it…



I weep for that poor poor feeble little man :frowning:

If only their was an option for neither in that debate…lol.

that was only one of the reasons he didn’t win… :stuck_out_tongue:

look up idiot in the dictionary and Al Gore’s pic is next to the def…




And Bush is next to stupid. Which is one level up from idiot.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


When will netscape read html and everything correctly, i have to to extra work and coding just so that my sites work in Netscape…

stupid netscape…

However the switch isnt suprizing to me, since AOL owns netscape too.

funny, we used to say the same things about IE…

funny how times change…


lol your right rev,

but IE did get alot better, and i hope netscape does too. =)

Netscape got much better with 7.0 in my opinion :slight_smile:

I didn’t like 6.2, it was way to slow and a pain in my arse.

7.0 I can deal with, I like it and it works a lot better than the others in my opinion.