API issue

i am trying to get the x position of my line to move, but all i’m succeding in doing is incrementing the variable pointX’s value… which is not incrementing the points position (if that makes any sense). i know i’m missing something, but cannot figure out where and why.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
[AS]pointX = 100;
//pointY = 100;
draw = function (mcName, mcDpeth, mtX, mtY, ltX, ltY) {
createEmptyMovieClip(mcName, mcDepth);
lineStyle(1, 0xF7C533, 100);
moveTo(mtX, mtY);
lineTo(ltX, ltY);
draw(“line1”, 1, pointX, 100, 20, 100);
onEnterFrame = function () {
btn.onRelease = function() {
pointX += 10;

would this do it

onEnterFrame = function () {
        btn.onRelease = function() {
draw("line1", 1, pointX, 100, 20, 100);
                pointX += 10;

ahh cheers for that ahmed… i think i was a case of not seeing the wood for the trees.
thanks again