I would to know if I can apply a logo to an existing jpg
and can i make my logo that i have now turn to 3d withought messing it up i’m not a photoshop expert so i’m new to this but willing to learn thanks :geek:
k, well first of all, PS isn’t really ideal for 3d work so making your logo 3d could be a bit difficult… most people would use 3d studio max or maya or cinema4d to do that. You can kinda fake a 3d look in PS but it’s much less effective.
and i’m not sure what you mean by applying your logo to a jpeg. Do you mean that you have a pic and you want your logo to be on that pic? if that’s the case, just load both images into PS and then position the logo where you want before saving them together
Hello again iLikePie
see if I use your type of designs that you sent me with the sliding doors will i be able to use a logo to put on it ? i wanted to have sliding doors that have a metal look to them, with the logo in the midle so that when the doors open up the logo is also split in 2, because the logo is in the center of the doors do you understand what i mean?
Hey ken, I don’t know if you’re asking how to make the metal doors but here it goes anyway: (In Photoshop)
- Create a new document however big you want the doors to be.
- Set the background color to a dark gray or whatever you want.
- Add a Noise Filter.
- Then add a Motion Blurr.
Play around with the settings until you get what your looking for.
As far your logo is concerned just split it in two using Photoshop or even Flash and then just paste it to your doors.
Hope this helps.
Hello wizard
when you say split can you tell witch tool to use in photoshop?
oh i get what you mean…
well, i’m assuming that your sliding doors are going to be jpegs, right? it will depend on how your logo is saved - if it’s a vector (done in flash or illustrator) it’d be quite easy, and in fact even if it’s another jpeg it should be ok.
if it’s a vector, import your door jpeg into flash, and then position the logo over it, and make the whole thing into a graphic (symbol) to tween… then they’ll be always together.
If the logo is another jpeg, do it in photoshop: Have your door image and your logo image on different layers, then just save them as the one jpeg, and then you can just do the door animation as normal.
Hello iLikePie
yes i did the doors and applied my logo now for the part to set up in flash i tried to look at the one you sent me so i can see the code i go to action and theres just stop is there a beter way for me to see the hole thing?. so i may apply the code to my doors?
thanks again for the help
this is what it should look like but more of a rough look to it
Post it again? All attachments were lost.
ken, there really isn’t more code than the stop command, that’s what i’m saying… it really is just a motion tween of the doors.
you know motion tweens right? It’s just a matter of putting the 2 doors on separate layers, then manually tweening them in and out. Then add whatever code you’ll need for functionality later, but yeah, the door animation itself isn’t done thru actionscript
I cant seem to be able to add a jpg to show you guys sorry