Arabic Writing

Hi guys,
i want to write arabic in flash, i’ve a big project and i need to find a method to start.
i’ve all the text in word (*.doc) and i need to convert this text into flash.
i tried alrassam… al wasset programe but in this way i must write all text again and it takes long time to do it (-: , i tried to copy and past in corel draw but numbers make a big Prop. so the text appears conflict.

mmmmmm i tried many things but i couldn’t solve it. :bad:
anyone can help :sure:

// i can deal with… flash mx, corel draw and freehand


I’m not sure this will work, but you may want to give it a try.

Is the font you need loaded in flash? If so, you could work the text that way, and break apart the text before publishing. Similarly, if you’re going a graphics route (not a bad thing if you’re going to be moving the text in any way) you could try photoshop.

I’m running into similar difficulties with the Polish alphabet in Flash, and just haven’t had a chance to try loading the font in flash. But it’s what I’ll be doing when I get to it. The photoshop trick to convert the text to a graphic first did work for me.

Hope that helps

its not about the fonts only… flash supports writing for left-to-right, and vertically, but not from right-to-left:(


I don’t know how I did this, maybe you could figure it out :q:

I made the text from right to left, even though flash doesn’t support it… any idea?

er… i dunno how you did that, but still wouldnt work for arabic as the letter would look uh… horizontally flipped if done that way


Then you would just rotate the text box, right? :slight_smile:

I don’t know much about arabic, sorry if I’m asking a stupid question…

I remember playing around with some text a long time ago and making it right to left, and so I just started playing with it again and got the same effect… I have absolutely no idea how I did it, though…

hehe… as i see it, i dont think it would do it… thanks for trying though


after playing around with it some more, i figured it out.

I made the text and set it to veritcal, right to left. Then i resized it so there was no space vertically so it forced the text sideways, making it right to left horizontally.

i think that’s what it meant by “right-to-left” :).

haha, I guess flash was made for english only :slight_smile:

thanx for quick replies… :wink:
but i’m still want the right soulation…
someone told me i have to make the text from right to left and if it didn’t work, may i put this action


it’s the first time to see this code and i tried it and :*(
i donno know what can i do in this problem…??
i’ll continue till find a good way for it.

i waiting for others idea… :sure:



you just used a vertical textbox and elongated it and made it short so that it forces the writing to be that way…


you already wrote how you did it…i’m a moron…didn’t read everything…=)

no body can [size=4][color=red]HELP[/color][/size] me.:hangover:

i need it too much :sigh:

Um, go to and go to the flash section using the window on the right hand side. They have how to write Arabic there.

hi MnM’s,
thanx for you useful URL… :beam:
but i can’t catch the right link to get what i need…(-:
can you send me the link or explain to me how to get it?


… ??