Are you up for this

I’m currently working on a horizontal ticker (finance Ticker).
My code work juste fine.

My problem is when i active the ticker on my website. The web site just crash. I look with my provider and i tell me that i have to many connection a te same time.

Anyone have a idea?

var formatGreen_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
formatGreen_fmt.color = 0x51AD3C;
//style pour ecriture en bleu
var formatRed_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
formatRed_fmt.color = 0xE72019;
//definit la longeur du stage
var myStageSize:Number = 644;
//speed du ticker
var seepOfMe:Number = 2;
var nameCurrent:String;
var symbol:String;
var time:String;
var lastPrice:String;
//net change
var netChange:String;
// espace entre les different element du movie clip
var ration:Number = 5;
//le nom du movie clip qui a ete attribuer
var nameLast:String;
//------------Fin variables de base---------
//----------- DEV -----------------
_root.url_txt.text = this._url;
//----------- / DEV -----------------
//deplace le movieClip
function moveMe(nameMe:String) {
_root[nameMe]._x = _root[nameMe]._x-seepOfMe;
if (_root[nameMe]._x+_root[nameMe]._width<0) {
function doWhileClose() {
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
var dateMe:Date = new Date();
heure = dateMe.getHours();
if (heure<17 && heure>=8) {
//load les donnees pour les cotes
function loadXML() {
var slideTreeXml:XML = new XML();
slideTreeXml.ignoreWhite = true;
slideTreeXml.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
if (slideTreeXml.childNodes[0].attributes.openStatus == 1) {
for (var z = 0; slideTreeXml.childNodes[0].childNodes[z] != undefined; ++z) {
nameCurrent = new String(slideTreeXml.childNodes[0].childNodes[z].firstChild.firstChild);
//creer un nom qui sera unique pour sur
nameCurrent = nameCurrent.substr(0, 3)+Math.round((93+z)*Math.random()*Math.random()*2213447434);
symbol = slideTreeXml.childNodes[0].childNodes[z].childNodes[0].firstChild;
time = slideTreeXml.childNodes[0].childNodes[z].childNodes[1].firstChild;
lastPrice = slideTreeXml.childNodes[0].childNodes[z].childNodes[2].firstChild;
//net change
netChange = new String(slideTreeXml.childNodes[0].childNodes[z].childNodes[3].firstChild);
//cree le movie
_root.attachMovie(“coteMod_mc”, nameCurrent, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
//si le movie les le premier il vas aller le placer a la Bonne positon
if (z != 0) {
_root[nameCurrent]._x = _root[nameLast]._x+_root[nameLast]._width+20;
} else {
_root[nameCurrent]._x = myStageSize;
//sassure que les champs soit de bonne dimension
_root[nameCurrent].symbol_txt.autoSize = true;
_root[nameCurrent].lastPrice_txt.autoSize = true;
_root[nameCurrent].change_txt.autoSize = true;
//defini les field
_root[nameCurrent].symbol_txt.text = symbol;
_root[nameCurrent].lastPrice_txt.text = lastPrice;
_root[nameCurrent].change_txt.text = netChange;
//cherche a savoir si le changement est negatif ou positif
if (netChange.substr(0, 1) == “-”) {
} else {
//space out the content
_root[nameCurrent].lastPrice_txt._x = _root[nameCurrent].symbol_txt._width+ration;
_root[nameCurrent].arrow_mc._x = _root[nameCurrent].lastPrice_txt._x+_root[nameCurrent].lastPrice_txt._width+ration;
_root[nameCurrent].change_txt._x = _root[nameCurrent].arrow_mc._x+_root[nameCurrent].arrow_mc._width+ration;
_root[nameCurrent].doLaunch = true;
_root[nameLast].doLaunch = false;
// var etre utliser pour espacer lautre movie clipe dapres
nameLast = nameCurrent;
} else {


} else {
trace(“Can’t load”);
