Arghh! :(

I made something really cool in photoshop last night and then this morning when I come to try and open it it won’t open and says something like “Cannot open because this is not a valid photoshop file”! But it is, its a .PSD :hair:

What shall I do? I can’t get to it :frowning:

Please help!!! :angry:

  • Soul :goatee:

How you are you opening it exactly? Are you just double clicking on it? Try opening the program first then go to File > Open, try that to see if it works.

Thanks for replyin EG, but it still does the same :*(

  • Soul :goatee:

I guess some how the file got corrupted and I’m sorry I can’t think of a solution for you. :hat:


Thanks anyway EG :frowning:

starts to re-make

  • Soul :goatee:

that sucks dude…

Yeah, especially because it was for you lava :beam: lol

  • Soul :goatee:

yeah… I just saw that in my forum… haha

try renameing the file,using the .psd extension

yup that happens to me sometimes…
photoshop rarely screws up but when it does you feel the pain.
anyway next time save 2 versions at a time (hehe i end up having approx. 6 different PSD for one single image…

hey mlk, I’m going to put one of the songs you recommended to me on my show… I’m just not sure which one yet…

lavaboy… do u put any punkish/pop punkish type stuff on your show?
cuz i think some finch on there would be awesome

just a thought

not on MY show… but if there was a DJ that wanted to do punk stuff, I’d put it up…
the only condition for the site is no mainstream (with a few exceptions)

Well I’m the new DJ, so I might put some of that type of music up 28 :beam:

PM me some requests if you like :slight_smile:

  • Soul :goatee:

A humble suggestion…

Don’t use just that… I like to save my files as .jpg, .gif and .psd…

I know it may be overkill but I’ve lost so much time in the past just saving it as one file :bad:
