Arranging thumbnails and more

  1. I’m currently trying to arrange my thumbnails so that once it it reaches 4 thumbnails on one column, it starts a new colum, can someone help me out.

  2. Also trying to add text on specific thumbnails once it’s clicked.

Finally, I am trying to incorporate a fade in and out transition. Can someone show me how.

Sorry about all the question, it’s just that I only recently started to work with AS, with all the cool stuff going on in flash, I gotta get more familiar with it.

thanks in advance, here is the code

totalImages = 11;//used in for loop
picsLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
loader_mc._y = 100;
loader_mc._x = 700;
ypos = 0;
image_mc._x = 10;
image_mc._y = 100;

picsLoader.onLoadProgress = function(targetMC, loadedBytes, totalBytes){
percentage = int(loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100+"%";
loaderbar_mc._xscale = parseInt(percentage);
loadProgress = int(loadedBytes / 1024) + “KB”;
loadTotal = totalBytes;
for(i=1001;i<1001 +totalImages;i++){
//second movie clip allows us to create buttons from images…
loader_mc[“image”+i+"_mc"]._y = ypos;
loader_mc[“image”+i+"_mc"]._alpha = 75;
ypos += 45;
height = loader_mc[“image”+i+"_mc"].another_mc._height;
//button actions
loader_mc[“image”+i+"_mc"].onRelease = function(){
clicked = this._name;//for display only
number = parseInt(substring(this._name,8,2));
loader_mc[“image”+i+"_mc"].onRollOver = function(){
this._alpha = 100;
loader_mc[“image”+i+"_mc"].onRollOut = function(){
this._alpha = 75;