Array and Trace problem

I got 4 input txt boxes and this little code but I can’t seem to get it right! When I type in the “a” it still traces False… how can that be?

Any idea how I can change the script so that I get a message saying *Correct Answer *(if all are correct) and *Some of your answer are incorrect (if some are…)

question_count = 4;
right_answers = ["[color=#0000ff]a[/color]", "[color=#0000ff]b[/color]", "[color=#0000ff]c[/color]", "[color=#0000ff]d[/color]"];
[color=#000084]function[/color] checkAnswers() {
        result = [color=#000084]true[/color];
        [color=#000084]for[/color] (i=0; i<question_count; i++) {
                [color=#000084]if[/color] ([color=#000084]_root[/color]["[color=#0000ff]input[/color]"+(i+1)].[color=#000084]text[/color] != right_answers*) {
                        result = [color=#000084]false[/color];
        [color=#000084]return[/color] result;
check_button.[color=#000084]onRelease[/color] = [color=#000084]function[/color]() {

