Array problem

I got a 8x8 grid, filled with random movie clips from 7 frames (they got no. 1 to 7).

What am I trying to do (from last 3 days) ?

When clicked on any movie clip get their neighbor movie clip type and if they are same disappear.

This is taken from the first row.

3 2 1 7 2 6 6 6

here If i click the third clip which is 1, check both side compare it with current one and if it is not same do nothing else disappear.

Here is the code i have done so far

public function clickPiece(e:Event) 
            var currPiece:String;
            var match:Array;
            currPiece = e.currentTarget.type
            for(var i:int=1; i<8; i++){
                if (currPiece == grid*[0].type) {
                    trace (match.length);

this code gives me error
can anyone tell me what shall i do from hereā€¦ i am stuck