my english isn´t so good but I hope I make myself understand. I found a photo album exempel on google and I would like to change some things. Now there is a movie clip that has 6 picture in a row and when you “roll over” the mouse over some buttons right picture will show. But I would like to have´t 3x2 instaed. Itch picture is 640x320 px. Here´s the code, and maybe it will be easier to understand what I mean.
*[size=1]var pos:Array = [0, 320, 640, 960, 1280, 1600];*
*var theInfo:Array = ["The First Car", "The Second Car", "The Third Car", "The Fourth Car", "The Fifth Car", "The Sixth Car"];*
*var numOfPix:Number = 6;*
*var w:Number = _level0.the1_btn._width;*
*var h:Number = _level0.the1_btn._height;*
*var speed:Number = 10;*
*var theTgt:Number = 0*
*//~~~ The text Format ~~~*
*var theFmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();*
*theFmt.align = "center";*
*theFmt.color = 0xFF6600;*
*theFmt.font = "theFont";*
*theFmt.size = 20;*
*theFmt.bold = true;*
*_level0.info_txt.selectable = false;*
*for (i=1; i<=numOfPix; i++) {*
*_level0["the"+i+"_btn"].createTextField("theNum_txt", 1, 0, 0, w, h);*
*_level0["the"+i+"_btn"].theNum_txt.text = i;*
*for (i=1; i<=pos.length; i++) {*
*_level0["the"+i+"_btn"].n = i;*
*_level0.info_txt.text = _level0.theInfo[0];*
*_level0["the"+i+"_btn"].onRollOver = function() {*
*_level0.theTgt = _level0.pos[this.n-1]*-1;*
*_level0.info_txt.text = _level0.theInfo[this.n-1];*
*_level0["the"+i+"_btn"].onEnterFrame = function() {*
*_level0.thePix_mc.panorama_mc._x += (_level0.theTgt-_level0.thePix_mc.panorama_mc._x)/_level0.speed;*
*Instead of *
*[/size][size=1]*var pos:Array = [0, 320, 640, 960, 1280, 1600];*[/size]
I would like something like this
*[size=1]var pos:Array = [[0, 0], [320,0], [640,0], [/size]*
[size=1]*[0, 240], [320, 240], [640,320];*[/size]
Is´t enough to change the array?
I hope you understand what I want, despite my language problems.
Thank´s in advance!