oh man, almost lost hope, haha, but not exactly what I was lookin for. The set part is for the variable. See, myArrayName has gotta be a variable that an Input box assigns a value to.
So user types their name into input box, in turn:
myArrayName = Bobby
Then in the array, it calls for
myArrayName = [value,value,value]
so that it actually ends up being
Bobby = [value,value,value]
after all the buttons are said and done.
Sorry I wasnt clearer =D So is this even possible?
So you want to make a variable that is named whatever the user inputted in the input field ? Like if I’d input “Voetsjoeba” in the input field, then you want to create an array called Voetsjoeba with 4 entries ?
I tested this code, and it works perfectly … I have an input textfield on stage with the instance name ‘inputField’, and a button underneath it with the instance name ‘btn’ to press when you want the variable to be created. Place this code on the main timeline: