hi guys, long time kirupa fan, love the site and the forum… where I am today with flash is generally down to what I’ve learned right here! so a big thanks for that to all.
I have a website here that I mocked up using various scripts and plugins for myself and was an experiment into the likes of lmc_tween and slideshows using xml
Anyways I’m experimenting with a design and idea for my current employer, and I’m manually coding alot of features that I would have usually ‘plugged-in’ to help enhance my skills and understanding of whats going on… if you view the link below, you can see my current progress and I will explain what happens below to the best of my ability
basically the movie loads, and starts to pull in some xml images into an empty movieclip (using an array) which then are dispersed neatly along the y axis…
from here the height of this clip is measured and some trick calculations using the stageWidth/Height, mouse _x _y and are applied to the generated movie clip that make it move up and down and slightly left and right.
using onLoad functionality the xml data is preloaded, and using some trick data from this (using a scaleTo) basically makes the visible preload thing at the start.
then generally from here the movie is free to move around on its own to its own accord. I have some onrelease, onrollover, and onrollout functionallity in there aswell.but my first questions stems from this…
**Q1. I can designate what happens to the ‘target’ clip (when rolledover, when clicked etc) and can apply various effects to this clip and the clip its contained in…
Is there a way to query the array to control all the images BUT the one thats the ‘target’?
for example, when you rollover the first image ‘slideshow 1’ is there a way to tell the other 7 images to perform some functionality? as in, fade out completely? or shrink? leaving the ‘target’ clip completely in focus
Q2. I’m having some slowdown issues when using the drop shadow filter applied to the clips, is there a work around for this? I was considering using a png shadow and generating it BEHIND the clips themselves?
**My apologies for that mouthful…
Thanking you guys in advance for any help, and keep up the good work to all!