Arrays and attachMovie

I have 6 movie clips in my library each with their own identifiers(linkage) because I want to attach them dynamically on the stage. no problem for this…
but what about if I want to put them in an array first and then attach them on a host movie clip on the stage one after the other from left to right…so I would have 6 MC’s in line on the _root…

thanks, sub

[SIZE=1]what’s the question?[/SIZE]

the question is:

how do I attach 6 different MC’s to an array which would put the attached(attachMovie()) MC’s in a host on the _root stage, one after the other, from left to right…


movieArray = ['mov1","mov2","mov3", ... "mov10"];

function addMovies(movieArray){
   var i,m,pm
   for(i in movieArray){
      pm = m;
      m = _root.attachMovie(movieArray*,movieArray*+"_mov",i);
      m._x  = pm._x + pm._width;


the spacing relies on the movies’ registration points being on the lefmost edge.