Arrow angle and rotation


I’m sure you’ve all seen this type of question a million times but i’ve searched all day to try and find what i’m after and failed miserably =( Basically i have a character and an enemy, when i have the enemy targeted (from clicking on them) i want to be able to shoot an arrow at them (by pressing 1) on an angle and to rotate it, according to where you and the enemy are. I’ve tested with a heap of trig scripts but i’m not too good at maths so none of it works/makes sense. Would someone be able to show me how to do this via a link, code or description plz? =D Oh and umm i don’t want to be dup-ing MCs to do it, i just want to rotate the MC at the angle, then play the tween inside the MC, makes it alot easier for shooting 1 arrow at a time etc.

Much Appreciated,