Kinda new here.I needed some help.Can someone show me how to make a diablo II style inventory and how to equip the items
I tried with all the threads already there but none of them was what i was hoping to find.the only one I found showing how to equip was by nathan99 .
P.S. Hope i posted in the right section!
How does the diablo II menu look… + is this platformer?
post a screeny
Diablo II has a click-and-drag-to-equip type inventory…
its easy if you have the graphics, tell me more of how your doing yours so i can help
graphics?..wow you guys are good.I was still wondering whether it was possible!
Anyways i planned to make the same thing.So why not try and make it with raw graphics if it isnt much trouble.while i get to work on drawing them.
nathan- it isnt a platform game as seen in the awsome screanshot presentd by Insane Knux.Thanks!!!
Thanks again to all for responding.
P.S where do i send you all the graphics?
you can send it to my email;) Kinda busy but… may have to wait til w/e
:sc: 1 more question.in what format do i send them over???