Artist to help with games

I am looking for an artist to do artwork for my games. Anyone interested ? I have about 6 games that need the touch of a real artist.

Here is one of the games :

what type of work do you need? Do you want something cartoony or really simple. :pac: Thanks.

^ I might help depending what you need me to do

Here is one of the game concepts. It’s basically a color matching missile game.
1 fires a red missile
2 fires a blue missile
3 fires a yellow missile

You destroy incoming missiles with a matching colored missile. In later levels you’ll see Green, Purple, and Orange Missiles. They require a combination of missiles to destroy them ie Red + Yellow to kill an orange missile.

I want to get an artist to dress it up a bit. Right now it just has simple graphics. I want to get :

Multiple buildings - possibly different cities – chicago, new york etc.
Better looking missiles.
Better looking explosions. – Pow is kind of my attempt at an explosion.
maybe a fire/smoke animation for exploding buildings.
Plane with banner behind it for displaying messages – new level and maybe advertising in the future.

You get the idea. Open to suggestions as well.

your quite the artist!:rabbit:

for free or money? :slight_smile:

If I can figure a way to make some cash off of these games, I’d gladly share the wealth. But at this point, it’s just about making a few cool games.

Please visit my portfolio at . I think I can help.



can you give me your e-mail? the file is to big I might try to compress the file later srry

This needs to be in free/barter then