[AS 2] Need help to positionize my thumbs

Hi Dudes…

I have used 4 hours to trying to give my thumbs in my gallery a position.
Right now, the thumbs being loaded in a stack.

Preview: http://www.insaneme.com/clients/test/main_auto.html

My code its a little bit long but i hope its okay :wink:

Here i load my gallery from xml

var largeImageUrl:Array = new Array ();
var kateNavn:Array = new Array ();
var thumbUrl:Array = new Array ();
var titelT:Array = new Array ();
var picNum:Number;
var i = 0;
// Loader XML
var billedGalleri:XML = new XML ();
billedGalleri.ignoreWhite = true;
billedGalleri.onLoad = function () {
    trace ("XML LOADED");
    loadGalleri (0);
billedGalleri.load ("gallery/galleri.xml");

// Function når XML er loadet
function loadGalleri (cat) {
    trace ("load gallery: " + cat);
    currentImage = 0;
    largeImageUrl = *;
    thumbUrl = *;
    xmlNode = billedGalleri.firstChild;
    var kategori:Array = xmlNode.childNodes;
    trace (kategori.length);
    var images:Array = xmlNode.childNodes[cat].childNodes;
    trace (images.length);
    for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
        picNum = images.length;
        //updateCounter(); // opdater display
        thumbUrl* = xmlNode.childNodes[cat].childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
        largeImageUrl* = xmlNode.childNodes[cat].childNodes*.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
        target_mc.pictureValue = i;
        mcLoader.loadClip (largeImageUrl*,largeImage_mc);
                //kill the mouselistener if it is added
        bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.createEmptyMovieClip ("thumbTrackBg",1);//_root timeline
        bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg.beginFill (0x000000,0);
        bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg.moveTo (thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._x,thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._y);
        bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg.lineTo (thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._x + thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._width,thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._y);
        bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg.lineTo (thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._x + thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._width,thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._y + thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._height);
        bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg.lineTo (thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._x,thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._y + thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._height);
        bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg.lineTo (thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._x,thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._y);
        bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg.endFill ();
        Mouse.removeListener (mouseListener);

and here my thumb function

function loadThumbs () {
    //remove the movieclip loade listener on each iteration of this function
    Clip.removeListener (mclListener);
    //attach and associate with a variable a MC to hold each loaded movieClip
    var container:MovieClip = bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.attachMovie ("thumbBox", "thumbBox" + i, bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.getNextHighestDepth (), {_x:imageWidth, _y:0});
    //var indErst:MovieClip = thumbBox*;
    //create a movieclip loader 
    var Clip:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader ();
    var mclListener:Object = new Object ();

    mclListener.onLoadStart = function (target_mc:MovieClip) {
        target_mc._alpha = 0;//set thumb alpha to be zero
    //handle loading progress - simple counter here
    mclListener.onLoadProgress = function (target_mc:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void  {
        //use this if you want to indicate loading of your thumbnails etc...
        //loadTxt.captions_txt.text = Math.floor(bytesLoaded/bytesTotal*100)+"%";

    mclListener.onLoadInit = function (target_mc:MovieClip) {
        /*//here we can access our loaded clips properties!
        //here is where we attach functions to our clip so that we can dynamically create rollovers etc.*/

        //make our thumbnails visible again
        container.alphaTo (50,2,"linear");

        //subscribe all images to AS broadcast method

        //based off image width this places our thumbs next to each other
        imageWidth = (target_mc._width);
        //associate a variable here with our p value, we use this later to load in large images
        target_mc.pictureValue = i;
        //container._alpha = 50;
        var thumbup:MovieClip = target_mc;
        //handle  image rollovers these are active only on the thumb image!!! Watch the US spelling!
        moveToD (bund_mc.thumbup,0,45,15);

        target_mc.onRollOver = function () {
            container._alpha = 100;
            moveToD (bund_mc.thumbup,this._y,45,15);
            //TweenFilterLite.to(target_mc,.4,{type:"Color", brightness:0, ease:None.easeOut});

        target_mc.onRollOut = function () {
            container._alpha = 50;
            //TweenFilterLite.to(target_mc,4,{type:"Color", brightness:2, ease:None.easeOut});

        //handle a click on a thumbnailp
        target_mc.onRelease = function () {
            _root.bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.attachMovie ("tracker","trackernew",100);
            _root.bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.trackernew._x = thumbup._x + 25;
            //_root.bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.trackernew._y = this._y - 10;

            //load large images
            container._alpha = 100;
            mcLoader.loadClip (largeImageUrl*,largeImage_mc);
        //target_mc.pictureValue = i;
        i++;//increment value to cycle through array
        //STORE PILE
        prevImage = function () {
            trace ("nu" + target_mc.pictureValue);
            sizeListenerB.onResize ();
            Stage.addListener (sizeListenerB);
            mcLoader.loadClip (largeImageUrl[target_mc.pictureValue],largeImage_mc);
            if (target_mc.pictureValue < 0) {
                target_mc.pictureValue = picNum;
        nextImage = function () {
            trace ("nu" + target_mc.pictureValue);
            if (target_mc.pictureValue >= picNum) {
                target_mc.pictureValue = 0;
            sizeListenerB.onResize ();
            Stage.addListener (sizeListenerB);
            mcLoader.loadClip (largeImageUrl[target_mc.pictureValue],largeImage_mc);
        big_left.onRelease = function () {
            this.gotoAndPlay (2);
            prevImage ();

        big_right.onRelease = function () {
            this.gotoAndPlay (2);
            //trace ("go");
            nextImage ();

        if (target_mc.pictureValue < picNum) {
            loadThumbs ();//create loop
        if (target_mc.pictureValue == picNum) {
            //we set this variable here because this is where we know the length of our thumbnails containing mc.
//            After we have loaded all content in. Makes sense really!
            mcWidth = bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._width;
            //adjust the width and height of the thumbstrack bg clip
            bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg._width = mcWidth;
            bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc.thumbTrackBg._height = bund_mc.thumbMask_mc.thumbBox_mc._height;
            //add the mouse listener object to the thumbnail mask. We do this element of our script here so
//            we do not enable scrolling of our mc before the images have all loaded in. As this can cause issuse
            Mouse.addListener (mouseListener);


    Clip.addListener (mclListener);
    Clip.loadClip (thumbUrl*,container);


I really hope that somebody could help me out from this nightmare!

best regards