I was able to locate an answer to a problem I was having, however I want to start using AS3 to achieve the same effect. Below is the AS2 code that seems to be giving me errors in AS3. The variable AS3 doesn’t seem to like is zoom. What i’m trying to accomplish is upon mouseover of a tiny arrow, that arrow enlarges a bit. Works fantastic with AS2, but nothing occurs in AS3. Hope I’m on the right track, if not don’t flame me too badly. An exact example of what I’m trying to accomplish is at the Bestbuy homepage (www.bestbuy.com). The two little white left and right arrows. They actually zoom. Anyway, I’m in a corner because I really don’t have time at the moment to delve into all the code for AS 3. The best reference I can give is that bbuy one above. That arrow and it’s function is exactly, not kinda like, exactly what I’m trying to achieve.
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(zoom == true){
this.onRollOver = function(){
zoom = false;
this.onRollOut = function(){
zoom = true;