As 3.0 Sql Server 2005

Hi guys,

I have hunted high and low on the internet to try and find an answer to my question, and so far have come up with nuffink as they say in London. So I pose my question to the kirupa boys and lasses as I should have in the first place. I am trying to use Flash cs3 which I have just purchased to connect to my backend database which is sql server 2005, I have come to the conclusion I need to use a script page and so would like to use ASP.NET 2.0 vb/c# to retrieve and post the data, so is there a kind soul out there that could provide the following:

  1. An example of as 3.0 code that shows how to connect to the ASP.NET 2.0 script page.

  2. The 2.0 script page vb or c # I have my sql server 2005 connection string.

  3. The as 3.0 code that shows how to retrieve and bind the data to a flash object such as a datagrid or dynamic text field.

  4. The as 3.0 code that shows how to send data to the database.

Am I asking to much of flash cs3 or is there a standard way of achieving my goal, or should I just stick to 2.0. I really like flash cs3 so far and would like to get away from the boring ASP.NET 1 Dimensional designs.

If there is anyone on this planet that can help me I would much appreciate it.

