Hello all. No one has been able to help me out recently and i have exhausted my mind over this. I have included the fla and swf file in the hopes you can help me out here. As you can see in the coding
var frames = 36;
var defaultHex1 = 0xffffff;
var defaultHex2 = 0xffcccc;
var defaultHex3 = 0x000098;
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
return (r << 16 | g << 8 | b);
function hex2rgb(hex) {
var red = hex >> 16;
var grnBlu = hex-(red << 16);
var grn = grnBlu >> 8;
var blu = grnBlu-(grn << 8);
return ({r:red, g:grn, b:blu});
// Colour Objects
var myCO1 = new Color(part1);
var myCO2 = new Color(part);
var myCO3 = new Color(part2);
// Fading Function thing
function fadeToHex(goalHex, steps) {
var nowHex = myCO1.getRGB();
var nowRGB = hex2rgb(nowHex);
var goalRGB = hex2rgb(goalHex);
var stepRGB = {};
stepRGB.r = (goalRGB.r-nowRGB.r)/steps;
stepRGB.g = (goalRGB.g-nowRGB.g)/steps;
stepRGB.b = (goalRGB.b-nowRGB.b)/steps;
var inc = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (inc<steps) {
var newR = (Math.round(nowRGB.r += stepRGB.r));
var newG = (Math.round(nowRGB.g += stepRGB.g));
var newB = (Math.round(nowRGB.b += stepRGB.b));
var newHex = rgbToHex(newR, newG, newB);
} else {
onEnterFrame = null;
Index.onRelease = function() {
fadeToHex(0xff0000, frames);
gallery.onRelease = function() {
fadeToHex(0xffcc00, frames);
Services.onRelease = function() {
fadeToHex(0x0098c8, frames);
Products.onRelease = function() {
fadeToHex(0x00ccd0, frames);
links.onRelease = function() {
fadeToHex(0x98cc00, frames);
contact.onRelease = function() {
fadeToHex(0xffff98, frames);
As you can see I have named the variables and included this in the script. I would like to name three different functions fadeToHex, fadeToHex1, & fadeToHex2. To get all three boxes to change to a slightly different color. I posted a thread on this earlier last month on but just had my time wasted.
I have had a long hard look around the net and cannot find a multiple color tween function. Help on this would be really good.
Many thanks