AS from 'Help' doesn't work in FP7

Hey guys,

Please help. I was trying to make a popup window so I was just writing the code, published… and staring to nothing. I thought I made something wrong, so I checked the help and copied this piece of code from there (it’s the code under MovieClip.createEmptyMovieClip()):
ActionScript Code:
[FONT=Courier New][LEFT][COLOR=#000000]var[/COLOR] container:[COLOR=#0000ff]MovieClip[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#0000ff]this[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000ff]createEmptyMovieClip[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]([/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]“container”[/COLOR], [COLOR=#0000ff]this[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000ff]getNextHighestDepth[/COLOR]COLOR=#000000[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000])[/COLOR];
[COLOR=#000000]var[/COLOR] label:[COLOR=#0000ff]TextField[/COLOR] = container.[COLOR=#0000ff]createTextField[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]([/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]“label”[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000080]1[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000080]0[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000080]0[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000080]150[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000080]20[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000])[/COLOR];
label.[COLOR=#0000ff]text[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#ff0000]“Hello World”[/COLOR];

I put it into a new document, published, works. Now I changed publish settings to FP7, published, doesn’t work. WHY??? Does anybody know?
Thanks in advance!

PS: I read about returning Void, but whatever I make, I cannot create a movieclip with a textfield inside in FP7