<==== AS Loop

Ok i need a small problem solved
Basicly i need to know how to get a actionscript to loop over and over agian in a singal fram that the movie is stoped at

Can any help?

Hmmm… on that frame you could have code that says

that way it would never loop out of it.

if you put the following code on the frame AFTER the one you want the timeline to stop it will remain on the frame you stopped and still loop.
if there are no other ‘goto’ actions in that frame then you will only see the frame before the code. code is executed before the frame is drawn, so you won’t see what is drawn in the frame with the code above.

You’re absolutely right, Sinfiniti. Didnt think that one all the way before posting. Ironically, I always test code before puttin on here, even on the simplest things…except this time, of course.

Thanks Guys
I used the code and it work NP
But i was hoping for a AS that i could use in the fram along with the actions i wanted to loop but this works fine