Need AS programming (2.0 or preferably 3.0) for a Tatnall School (college preparatory age 3-12th grade) Annual Fund project.
Bold notes refer to programming needs** or what I’m trying to accomplish with programming.
The below project description is a tad long, but it will give you a complete understanding of what the project entails in terms of AS programming and what I’m trying to accomplish with the movie.
[SIZE=4]Project Description:[/SIZE]**[/SIZE]
A Flash movie that incorporates five to six 20 to 60-second videos of documentary style interviews with teachers that have been with the school for 20-years or more.
My thought is to build the movie with base narration, music and animation of stills and graphics as a Flash Movie and use Video Objects for the video (external FLVs streamed from a Flash Media Streaming Server). I also thought it would be good to control and synchronize these video objects with ActionScript, rather than using the FLVPlayback component. **Even though they don’t have to be, the videos would be at the same frame rate as the Flash movie; 30 fps.
SWF dimensions are 720px x 480px. Video 1 and optional video 6 are 360px x 240px. Videos 2-5 are 300px x 200px allowing for all four of them to be on the screen at the same time (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right) with 40 pixels of space separating them from each other and the SWF screen boundaries.
The videos may incorporate B-roll footage to highlight various points, but NO TEXT will be generated in the video files: all text will be generated in the SWF where it will be cleaner/sharper and can be controlled/animated over the video objects. Another option would be to handle the B-rolls full frame in the SWF , which will cut the monotony of looking at the smaller videos. The first B-roll image could be positioned to appear to be “part of the video,” but then push to full frame. This push move would be reversed to return to video prior to transitioning to the continuing storyline.
**I may be way off base with my thinking, but I thought it would be good to start these five streams in the first frame of the movie, pause them, kill their audio, and keep them hidden until they’re called for in the timeline of the movie. Perhaps there’s no reason for doing that, which is why I’m looking for an AS programmer to help with the thought process and the ActionScripting to incorporate and synchronize these videos.**
[SIZE=4]Below is the pre-script concept (approx. frame refs are to the SWF movie, not the videos):[/SIZE]**
**Frame 1 – NetStreams start for all six movies (hidden with audio at 0), which are all paused on a quepoint 1 second in, and then wait for their calls to become visible and play in the in the timeline
Frame 1 – Introductory music, narration, animated still images and graphics begin storyline[INDENT][SIZE=2]After a very moving opening sequence of music and images of Tatnall students and teachers engaged in “the way of life at Tatnall” the introductory narration begins.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]The narrator’s introduction discusses the importance of staying up with current trends and technologies in order to properly prepare Tatnall students to be excellent contributors to a diverse modern society, but emphasizes the need to keep them grounded in the core values of Tatnall’s founders. (approx. 25-seconds)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Narrator then introduces a long time Tatnall teacher and administrator, Sarah Baylin, to further emphasize these points. (approx. 5-seconds)[/SIZE]
[/INDENT][SIZE=2]Frames 900-960 (30-seconds in) – Transition from storyline to background for video object 1…(approx. 2-seconds)[/SIZE][SIZE=2]
Frame 960 – ActionScript unhides the first video object (positioned over the background), audio to 100, NetStream un-paused[INDENT]In the video, Ms. Baylin discusses how, in her 31 years of service at Tatnall as a teacher and administrator, she has seen technology change and advance, but through all of that change, a Tatnall education has always been deeply rooted in the founder’s original mission, which is to “identify and develop the very best in each and every child.”
She then discusses that through all of the change, the driving force at Tatnall remained the same: the desire to provide the best educational experience possible for the students. (approx. 20-seconds)
[/INDENT]Frame 1560 – ActionScript returns audio to 0, visibility status to hidden and sets video object 1 to original cuepoint, paused (or ends NetStream altogether)
Frames 1560-1620 (52-seconds in) Transition back to storyline, narrator (approx. 2-seconds)[INDENT]*The narrator returns to point out that we see these underlying principles imbuing all aspects of a Tatnall education; instilling a solid foundation of humanistic values so vitally important to keep a proper perspective on technological growth in order to use these amazing new tools and state-of-the-art advancements to mankind’s greater good.*
The narrator then shares with the viewers that even the school motto, “Omina In Caritate,” or “All Things Done in Love,” clearly emphasizes above all other goals Tatnall’s commitment to respect each student, to ensure their well-being and to nurture them to achieve their maximum potential according to their individual gifts.
The narrator points out that many long-time Tatnall teachers in all educational areas share these beliefs and have seen them remain a constant over their years of dedicated and passionate service to many generations of Tatnall students: (approx. 30-seconds)
[/INDENT]Frame 2520-2580 (84-seconds in) – Transition from storyline to background for video objects 2, 3, 4 and 5…(approx. 2-seconds)
Frame 2580-2670 – Text animates top left: “Academics” then fades (approx. 3-seconds)
**Frame 2625 – ActionScript unhides the 2nd video object (masked and positioned top left), audio to 100, NetStream un-paused; mask animates to reveal video object 2 (approx. 2-seconds)**[INDENT]*Rosemary Crawford (name and title animated over in Flash, not the video) discusses how she has seen technology enhance an already exceptional faculty’s delivery of knowledge in the area of college preparatory academics; most recently through the incorporation of smart boards and computers, new science labs, etc…*
[/INDENT]At the end of her piece, the video freezes on Rosemary and holds through the rest of the videos, audio to 0 (approx. 20-40 seconds up to the point of the freeze, depending on length of final testimonial)
Text animates top right: “Athletics” then fades (approx. 3-seconds)
** – ActionScript unhides the 3rd video object (masked and positioned top right), audio to 100, NetStream un-paused; mask animates to reveal video object 3 (approx. 2-seconds)**[INDENT]*Fred Palfrey (name and title animated over in Flash, not the video) discusses how he has seen athletics grow to over XX boys and over XX girls interscholastic sports programs in the upper school. He continues with how amazed he is at the number of individual and state championships that are generated each year by only 250 varsity players, crediting much of it to the enhancement and addition of state-of-the-art facilities, as well as how the preparation for interscholastic competition has improved in the lower and middle school through the addition of talented faculty/coaches.*
[/INDENT]At the end of his piece, the video freezes on Fred and holds through the rest of the videos, audio to 0 (approx. 30-60 seconds up to the point of the freeze, depending on length of final testimonial)
Text animates bottom right: “The Arts” then fades (approx. 3-seconds)
** – ActionScript unhides the 4th video object (masked and positioned bottom right), audio to 100, NetStream un-paused; mask animates to reveal video object 4 (approx. 2-seconds)**[INDENT]*Bruce Chipman (name and title animated over in Flash, not the video) discusses how he has seen the arts grow to include a broad spectrum of the fine and performing arts through the development of dozens of new programs, additions to a gifted faculty and the opening of a world class facility, The Laird Performing Arts Center.*
[/INDENT]At the end of his piece, the video freezes on Bruce and holds through the rest of the videos, audio to 0 (approx. 20-40 seconds up to the point of the freeze, depending on length of final testimonial)
Text animates bottom left: “The Arts” then fades (approx. 3-seconds)
** – ActionScript unhides the 5th video object (masked and positioned bottom left), audio to 100, NetStream un-paused; mask animates to reveal video object 5 (approx. 2-seconds)**[INDENT]*Battle Hamilton (name and title animated over in Flash, not the video) re-emphasizes the importance of properly preparing students in the three core areas of a Tatnall education, but points out that all of that education would be empty without a strong focus on Community Service and Outreach. Bruce cites numerous examples, from lower to upper school, of how these efforts have changed lives for the better.*
[/INDENT]At the end of his piece, the video freezes on Battle, audio to 0 (approx. 30-60 seconds up to the point of the freeze, depending on length of final testimonial) and holds for 2 more seconds on all four frozen images…
A mask effect and move transition all four video off the screen and narrator returns to the storyline. (approx. 2-seconds)
** – During this transition, ActionScript returns visibility status to hidden on all four video objects and re-sets them to their original cuepoints, paused (or ends their NetStreams altogether)**[INDENT]*The narrator continues that none of what the viewers have just seen would have been possible without many generations of alumni, parents, grandparents and friends giving generously over the years to bring Tatnall to its current level of academic prominence. A place where 100% of its graduating students are accepted at colleges and universities, including many of the most prestigious institutions in the world.*
The narrator reminds viewers that now:
It is your time to continue and improve upon this legacy.
It is your time to give generously so that current and future generations of Tatnall students enjoy an education that achieves the same level of excellence provided to generations of students before them.
It is your time to truly make a difference in the lives of the individuals who represent our future.
[/INDENT]Screen transitions to final framing with “Replay,” “Learn More” and “Donate Now Online” buttons.
[SIZE=2]**OPTIONAL ENDING**: [/SIZE]In the optional ending, at the top of the frame (above the buttons mentioned above) a background animates to hold the optional 6th and final video object.
** – ActionScript unhides the 6th video object (masked and positioned bottom left), audio to 100, NetStream un-paused; mask animates to reveal video object 6 (approx. 2-seconds)**[INDENT]*In this final video, numerous students loosely “mantra” the Frances D. S. Tatnall quote, “Tatnall is not just a school, it’s a way of life.”*
Student 1: “Tatnall…”
Student 2: “It’s not just a school”
Student 3: “It’s a way of life”
Group of lower school students: “It’s a way of life”
Group of interscholastic athletes in uniform, various sports: “It’s a way of life”
Group of middle school students: “It’s a way of life”
Group of artists with their works: “It’s a way of life”
Group of actors (could be sung, ala Broadway musical-style): “It’s a way of life”
Group of upper school students: “It’s a way of life”
Group of performance band members: “It’s a way of life”
This ending video may be controlled with ActionScript to replay 2 or 3 times, indefinitely, or not at all.
Total time: 3:30 – 4:30 not including last video at end, or the replays if replayed
[/INDENT]If you are interested in working on the project, please contact me via email at [email protected].
**Include your thoughts about how you would approach the coding and why you would approach it that way.**
**Also, please provide an estimated cost range to handle the programming.**
**If you need more info before sharing your thoughts and/or providing a cost estimate, please email me with any questions you may have.**
Thanks - Tim Morgan