[as]Text effect

stringy: you could use this with the loadvars

i am now starting to look into that. would that be just changeing the startoff=(“my text at start”); to startoff = myVar;

i tryed that but could not get it to work

you would have to put it in your loadVars.onload event
lv.onLoad = function() {
//And if you want it to keep repeating
finterval = setinterval(startoff, 5000, this.myVar);

thanks i will try that when i get home from work.

Not exactly sure what you mean. I`ve bodged the last 2 attempts together here, hope its what you want. If you only want one long string just delete the other elements of the array.

thanks for the fla stringy…it’s perfect that’s what i want actually…

you are welcome