[AS2.0]Help with dynamic text!

I don’t know how to express this as a question, so ill just describe what I want.

I have 4 buttons. Button a,b,c & d. When you click button A, I need it to display a message in a dynamic text field. For eg, “you have click button a!” When you click button b, I need it to display a similar message but on a new line. Same with button C. Like this:

|You have clicked button A! |
|You have clicked button B! |
|You have clicked button C! |
|_________________________ |

But when the textbox is full, I need the first line to be erased, and all the other lines to shift up.

|You have clicked button B! |
|You have clicked button C! |
|You have clicked button D! |
|_________________________ |

How can I do this? I’m not new to AS. But i’ve never had to do anything like this before.
Thanks in advance.