AS2.0 Linkage and attachMovie Woe

attachMovie woes

Hi I am having some trouble with Classes with respect to a movieclips ‘As 2.0 class’ in the linkage settings.
After an attachMovie i am expecting my Class members to exist but they are not

OK, This is what i was doing…

I create a MovieClip called Class1_mc and another called Class2_mc, original eh.
i then stick an instance of class2_mc INSIDE of Class1_mc, call it clipinner

ok so i assign Class1 to Class1_mc and Class2 to Class2_mc via the linkage settings.

I then create and

class Class2 extends MovieClip

function Class2()

function onLoad()
    trace(this + " Loaded.");



class Class1 extends MovieClip

function Class1()

function onLoad()
    trace(this + " Loaded.");


ok in first frame i write

attachMovie(“Class1_mc”, “clip”, 20);
trace("class should be loaded and ready to use by now!!! " + clip);

so i attach my MovieClip and print some text out, this is what the output window says…

class should be loaded and ready to use by now!!!
_level0.clip Loaded.
_level0.clip.clipinner Loaded.

WOW! look at the order of the traces, the inner clips are LAST!

ok so my point is this

[CONFUSED RANT I KNOW movie clips arent always available straight away as they need to load in etc usually but i thought ATTACHMOVIE always returned the object straight away without loading delays, there is nothing to LOAD here??]

Anyway, What i was wanting to do was…

var myClip = attachMovie(“Class1_mc”, “clip”, 20);

but i couldnt because it didnt exist

the following,

trace(myClip.clipinner.ClassMethodCall); == undefined

why is this undefined???

If i am going about this totally wrong PLEASE tell me.

What are the ‘best practises’ for attaching Classes to MovieClips? is this the best way?
I am expecting the code to work like c++, if i create a class all inherited classes get created before new returns.

I know this is FLASH and i know i didnt do NEW it was ATTACHMOVIE but i dont see the point in being able to link to a class when it isnt available until some random point i the future. There must be a better way to do this?

Right get your thinking hats on, this is driving me mental

I ended up creating the classes with new and passing in the MovieClip instance, that works but the other way just seemed so convenient!
