[AS2] Color prototyping problem

Hi guys!
I’ve been playing around with AS2 under FlashMX 2004 Pro recently, and with prototypes in particular. I’ve seen several examples of prototyping (i.e. the Robert Penner’s color_toolkit) that define proto in the Color Object.
So I’ve come up with this easy script on Stage (myShapeMC is a simple square) :

Color.prototype.dummy= function(){
trace("into dummy");
var c:Color = new Color(_root.myShape);

This produces the following error :

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 2, frame=1:Line 5:
There is no method with the name 'dummy'.

Am I missing something or is it simply impossible to add prototypes to the Color Object in ActionScript 2 ???

Thanks in advance…