[AS2] Dynamic text size change - setTextFormat problem!

Hi! I’m trying to change the text size in a dynamic text area within a (movie clip) button. For a couple of buttons I’d like to make certain text smaller, for example, to make the “vs” smaller in “A [SIZE=1]VS[/SIZE] B”.

My buttons have dynamic text in them and the font is embedded and set at size 10 initially. The code I’ve got in my movie is as follows:

// define new text formatting
var minimenutext_txt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
minimenutext_txt.size = 8;
avsb_txt = "A VS B";

// assign formatting to button dynamic text
btn1.btext.buttext.text = avsb_txt;

The text “A VS B” shows up in my button, but I can’t seem to do anything to change the format. I’ve tried making it bold, italic, that kind of thing too - but no luck.

Does the setTextFormat command only work with input dynamic text boxes? Is it being overruled somehow? What am I doing wrong here? Or are there any alternative ways to do what I’m trying to do…?! I’d really really really appreciate any assistance with this, please!