[AS2 F8] shortening an 'if' statement with 'for'

Hi I’m having a problem trying to shorten an if statement using a for loop

at the minute I have an array which holds 6 elements, each of these elements change depending on a series of 6 buttons pressed on stage

I have a ‘if’ statement that checks if certain elements in the array have change, there are 4 different combinations that I want to trace as correct. I can do this fine, but I will need to develop this to be able to accept 90+ different combinations and I dont want to write out a massive if statement listing all the possiblites, can anyone help me write the current ‘if’ statment I have it to neater code that I can then expend in the future

row0 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0];

onEnterFrame = function(){
    if(row0[0]==1 && row0[1]==1 && row0[2]==1 && row0[3]==1 ||
       row0[1]==1 && row0[2]==1 && row0[3]==1 && row0[4]==1 ||
       row0[2]==1 && row0[3]==1 && row0[4]==1 && row0[5]==1 ||
       row0[3]==1 && row0[4]==1 && row0[5]==1 && row0[6]==1){
        player1 = "winner"
    } else {
        player1 = "loser"