[AS2] Flash is sending weird formatted variables to PHP

[SIZE=“1”]After holding my breath for a week waiting for this to get approved, I’m going to post it again.[/SIZE]

I’ve tried everything, parsing the variables, turning HTML formatting on and off on the text boxes, honestly I don’t even remember what because I gave up a while ago, but my problem can be seen here:


(clicking that black bar sends your variables from the input boxes)

If you just click the black bar, the default things send great, but if you change anything and then click the bar… well, just look. It sends the font type, the size, and puts them on new lines and everything. This makes it kind of useless for me since I want to be able to send integers without <FONT SIZE = WHATEVER> as that makes it not work very well for the maths.

…and it just looks bad even on this.

I was following this tutorial, then completely redid it using the exact code he used: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/displayinphp.htm