AS2 Full Screen Flash Problem! Very Strange. Need Help

Hello everyone.

I have designed a number of full screen Flash pages (i’m still using AS2), but I recently redesigned my own company site, and I been having problems when the site goes live. Its testing fine locally on my computer, but when I upload it, it goes silly. I’m using a new internet host ( , and they seem to be some issues with the “published” HTML code. All of my other sites are live and run just fine, on there own web-servers, but my own company site has gone wonky. I’m contacted’s tech’s and they messed about with the HTML and now it sort of works (the site loads, but you can scroll down and there is another site below and off to the side). This is my site:

…and this is the site uploaded on another server ( and working properly), with the original “published” HTML code that will not work on

Has anyone ever heard of this before?