[AS2] looping hitTest function

function hitCheck ()
for (var i = 0; i <= enemies.length; i+=1)
if (this.hitTest (_root[enemies * + “.mc.attackPoint”]._x, _root[enemies * + “.mc.attackPoint”]._y, true))
attacked = true;
} else
attacked = false;

NOTE: The following text is my problem and observations, if you afraid to read it all, my problem is easily guessable within the code go ahead and crack at it without my explanation :-p

I’m having some trouble with using hitTest(); with movieclips within arrays. I wanted to build a function that checks the hitTest of Movieclips in arrays because the array is dynamic and it would run more efficient and faster this way.

As you may notice it doesn’t check just the movieClip in the array, but a movieclip 2 scopes within it. I feel that this is my problem. I noticed in my debugger that that mc doesn’t show up, but i put an onLoad event on it to trace its existence when loaded and it shows up fine. I wonder what I’m doing wrong.