[AS2] Making Flash change with time

Quite a few people have asked about this…how to make your SWF change gradually over time, or how to trigger an event when a certain time occurs:

// start by attaching an onEnterFrame function to the stage
// there are alternatives such as using a timer or an interval
// but this technique is the simplest
clock.onEnterFrame = function() {
	// the following lines update the clock that's visible in the scene
	// the date is continually updated
	var clockDate:Date = new Date();
	// from which the minutes and hours are retrieved
	var minutes:Number = clockDate.getMinutes();
	var hours:Number = clockDate.getHours();
	// the minutes and hours are now applied to the respective clock hands
	// the minute hand is rotated by a factor of 6 (6 * 60 = 360)
	this.minutesHand._rotation = minutes * 6;
	// the hour hand is rotated by a factor of 30 (12 * 30 = 360). To make this hand
	// progress smoothly between the hours, an additional factor is applied 
	// by dividing the minutes by two
	this.hoursHand._rotation = (hours * 30) + (minutes / 2);
	// now the fun stuff; getting Flash to react to the time
	if (hours >= 16 && hours <= 24) {
		// turn on the lights
		light._visible = true;
		// and increase the night's alpha over time 
		night._alpha = hours * 5 - 20;
		// apply some random animations to the windows
		for (var i:Number = 1; i < 38; i++) {
			var mc:MovieClip = light["window" + i];
			mc.ran = Math.random() * 10000;
			if (mc.ran > 9985) {
				mc._visible = !mc._visible;
	} else if (hours >= 0 && hours <= 7) {
		// same as before; lights on
		light._visible = true;
		// it's after midnight so the night's alpha is reduced over time
		night._alpha = 100 - (hours * 5);
		// some more random window lights. Again, it's after midnight so
		// the frequency at which they're toggled is reduced
		for (var i:Number = 1; i < 38; i++) {
			var mc:MovieClip = light["window" + i];
			mc.ran = Math.random() * 10000;
			if (mc.ran > 9999) {
				mc._visible = !mc._visible;
	} else {
		// it's daylight so the lights and night are turned off
		light._visible = false;
		night._alpha = 0;
	// lastly, a demonstration of using a Switch/Case statement to react to time.
	// whenever the hours change, the appropriate commands in each
	// case statement are triggered, for example updating a textfield.
	switch (hours) {
	case 0 :
		messageTxt.text = "The witching hour arrives";
	case 4 :
		messageTxt.text = "The streets are swept clean";
	case 6 :
		messageTxt.text = "The workers prepare for a new day";
	case 8 :
		messageTxt.text = "The city welcomes the new day";
	case 12 :
		messageTxt.text = "The workers head off for lunch";
	case 16 :
		messageTxt.text = "The city begins to wind down the working day";
	case 20 :
		messageTxt.text = "The residents get ready to party";
	default :
	// this is the default condition if none of the case statements above
	// are true. 
		messageTxt.text = "";

Anyone who’s made a countdown timer, or a clock, should be familiar with the techniques used here but a clock has been thrown in anyway. The FLA and SWF are attached. To see it in action, run the SWF and then adjust your system clock.

Edit: The SWF can be viewed here