Hello, I am trying to make an email form following the guide given in “Kirupa_flash_php_email” example in the flash guides section of this web site. Now I can get it to work, eg: send me an email. But it does not go to the next frame to show the thankyou message (eg: frame 2).
I thought, the following code…
// show welcome screen
…must not work in ActionScript 2 since the demo is made in ActionScript 1. So I took it out and put a gotoAndStop(2); function on my submit button. But with that code gone, when I click the submit button, it switches to frame 2 to display the thankyou message, but it does not send the email…
I added the code back in, so that it sends the email, but it does not go to frame two.
Where am I going wrong? :crying: