[AS2] Need Help with: Kirupa's Flash PHP Email

Hello, I am trying to make an email form following the guide given in “Kirupa_flash_php_email” example in the flash guides section of this web site. Now I can get it to work, eg: send me an email. But it does not go to the next frame to show the thankyou message (eg: frame 2).

I thought, the following code…

 // show welcome screen

…must not work in ActionScript 2 since the demo is made in ActionScript 1. So I took it out and put a gotoAndStop(2); function on my submit button. But with that code gone, when I click the submit button, it switches to frame 2 to display the thankyou message, but it does not send the email…

I added the code back in, so that it sends the email, but it does not go to frame two.

Where am I going wrong? :crying:

use Loadvars to send data to server with sendandload method… so setting up a onLoad handler for incoming reply setup the code gotoAndStop(“frame”);

Action script 1.0 will always work in action script 2.0 as well but not vice versa

there is not incomming reply from the PHP script back to my Flash Animation. All I simply want it to do is send the data in the email form to the php script (which then sends the data off as an email), once the Flash animation has sent the data, it should go to frame 2 in the timeline.

BTW: To see the sample I am working from, click here to view Kirupa’s, Flash-Based Email Form Using PHP

Nevermind, I figured out my problem. But thanks all the same.