So I have so parts of actionscript which I am figuring out on how to make them one. What I am wanting to do is move an object to the right and fadeout.
Here is my code to animate right 10 pixels, this works perfectly.
(__root.galleryThumbs.length <= 1) ? __root.navigation.button_info._x = 0 : __root.navigation.button_info._x = Math.round((__root.navigation.controls._x + __root.navigation.controls._width) + 10);
As you can see, I am moving “button_info” when the gallery thumbs only has one image in it. Now the code below I wrote up quikly to tween the “button_info” to an alpha of 0.
Tweener.addTween(__root.navigation.button_info, {_alpha:0, time:0.8, transition:"easeOutExpo"});
My problem is I’m not sure on how to combine the codes
Any help is greatly appreciated!