hello all
im building components and im having a hard time… i find that the info concerning the creation of custom components is scarce at best… or im blind
im relying on
- http://www.person13.com/articles/components/creatingcomponents.html (which dates a bit)
- http://www.webmonkey.com/webmonkey/06/06/index4a.html
- http://www.webmonkey.com/webmonkey/06/11/index2a.html?tw=multimedia
- and on advanced actionscript components by antonio de donatis (friends of ed)
im trying to create something simple: i have a bouding box for my component, with a 16x16 px square in the middle. at authoring time, when i resize the component either via the property inspector for width or height, or on the stage with the free transform tool, i want the square to stay in the middle of the component.
im not sure what to do