AS2 OOP Problem

I’ve fairly new to flash’s class system, and I’ve been messing around with it for a couple days and what i’ve been doing is making a little ball physics thing, and It works for me (the collision and physics), but when I do the Input for the player, it does it to both the test ball (one that the player can bump into to test collisions), and the player… I’ve tried everything I could to fix this, but I’m stumped, can anyone help? Here’s my code for the Ball class:

class Ball {
	var x:Number;
	var y:Number;
	var Obj;
	var maxSpeed = 8;
	var ball:Boolean = true;
	var oldPos:Object = {x:0,y:0};
	var vel:Object = {x:0,y:0};
	var acc:Object = {x:0,y:0};
	var fricCoef:Number = .1;
	function Ball() {
		Obj = this;
	function ControlPhysics():Void {
		var fric = {x:-Obj.vel.x,y:-Obj.vel.y};
		Obj.acc.x += (fric.x*Obj.fricCoef);
		Obj.acc.y += (fric.y*Obj.fricCoef);
		Obj.vel.x += Obj.acc.x;
		Obj.vel.y += Obj.acc.y;
		if(Obj.vel.x >= -0.1 && Obj.vel.x <= 0.1) Obj.vel.x = 0;
		if(Obj.vel.y >= -0.1 && Obj.vel.y <= 0.1) Obj.vel.y = 0;
		oldPos = {x:Obj._x,y:Obj._y};
		Obj._x += Obj.vel.x;
		Obj._y += Obj.vel.y;
		Obj.acc.x = Obj.acc.y = 0;
	function ControlCollisions(obj):Void {
		if(Dist(obj._x,obj._y,Obj._x,Obj._y) <= (Obj._width/2)+(obj.ball?(obj._width/2):0)) {
			Obj._x = oldPos.x;
			Obj._y = oldPos.y;
			var oldMag = Dist(0,0,vel.x,vel.y);
			var collision = {x:obj._x-Obj._x,y:obj._y-Obj._y};
			var tempDotProd = DotProduct(vel,collision);
			vel.x -= 2*tempDotProd*collision.x;
			vel.y -= 2*tempDotProd*collision.y;
			var currentMag = Dist(0,0,vel.x,vel.y);
			if(obj.ball) {
				var newObjMag = (((obj._width/2)*1.25)/((Obj._width/2)*1.25))*(oldMag/2);
				var newobjMag = (((Obj._width/2)*1.25)/((obj._width/2)*1.25))*(oldMag/2);
				obj.vel.x += 2*tempDotProd*collision.x;
				obj.vel.y += 2*tempDotProd*collision.y;
				var currentMag = Dist(0,0,obj.vel.x,obj.vel.y);
			}else {
	function Dist(x1:Number,y1:Number,x2:Number,y2:Number):Number {
		return Math.sqrt(Dist2(x1,y1,x2,y2));
	function Dist2(x1:Number,y1:Number,x2:Number,y2:Number):Number {
		return Math.pow(x1-x2,2)+Math.pow(y1-y2,2);
	function Normalize(vec:Object):Void {
		var d = Dist(0,0,vec.x,vec.y);
		vec.x = vec.x/d;
		vec.y = vec.y/d;
	function ScaleVector(vec:Object,oMag:Number,nMag:Number):Void {
		var Change = nMag/oMag;
		vec.x = vec.x*Change;
		vec.y = vec.y*Change;
	function DotProduct(vec1:Object,vec2:Object):Number {
		return (vec1.x*vec2.x)+(vec1.y*vec2.y);

And for my Hero class:

class Hero extends Ball {
	function Hero() {
	public function onEnterFrame():Void {
	function CheckCollision(cont:MovieClip):Void {
		for(var objs in cont) {
			var o = cont[objs];
			if(o != Obj) {
	function ControlKeys():Void {
		Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) ? (Obj.acc.x > -Obj.maxSpeed ? Obj.acc.x -= .5 : Obj.acc.x = -Obj.maxSpeed) : (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) ? (Obj.acc.x < Obj.maxSpeed ? Obj.acc.x += .5 : Obj.acc.x = Obj.maxSpeed) : null);
		Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) ? (Obj.acc.y > -Obj.maxSpeed ? Obj.acc.y += .5 : Obj.acc.y = -Obj.maxSpeed) : (Key.isDown(Key.UP) ? (Obj.acc.y < Obj.maxSpeed ? Obj.acc.y -= .5 : Obj.acc.y = Obj.maxSpeed) : null);

And my base enemy (the test object):

class BaseEnemy extends Ball {
	function BaseEnemy() {
	private function onEnterFrame():Void {

And on frame 1 in the main timeline:


If anyone can help, i’d really appreciate it :smiley: